Ways to serve

Jesus’ life was marked by His willingness to serve. In fact, that’s why He came in the first place! (Matthew 20:28) We emulate Him best when we are serving and loving one another. Below are some places where you can serve Jesus through Chilhowee Baptist. Clink the button below, and we will get you connected to the right ministry leader.

If you aren’t sure where to start, take this spiritual gifts survey. Be sure to save the results.


small groups

The quickest, and easiest, way to get involved is through our small groups. We have Sunday school classes that meet at 10am on Sunday. Our teachers can always use help organizing fellowship and ministry events through their classes. Also, CBC is looking for hosts to develop more small groups. If you are gifted in teaching, that’s fantastic! And if not, that’s ok, too, because the key to small groups is building relationships.

Kids Ministry

There are many options for serving the kids of CBC. We offer AWANA, Sunday school, and special events throughout the year.

Student Ministry

Every Sunday, middle schoolers and high schoolers meet to study the Bible, have fun, and eat. These students need mentors who can connect with them. They meet Sundays at 10am for Sunday school and at 5:30pm for Sunday Night Gathering.

Hospitality Team

The hospitality team are the first faces members and guests see. You find them greeting at the door, serving food in the kitchen, or answering phone calls and social media messaging.

worship & AV

The Sunday morning service doesn’t happen by accident. There is a team of people who help with video, sound, camera, music, and everything else. If you are gifted in music or technology, or are willing to learn, we would love to have you.


Each month, our missions team meets to pray and plan how to reach the lost from Chilhowee, MO to the ends of the earth. We also send volunteers on mission through Carpenters for Christ. We are currently praying over opportunities to serve through our denomination’s mission organizations.