Soli Deo Gloria - part 7 (homework)

Secret Sermon part 7

The following was not actually preached, but it appeared in a bulletin handout. If you are local and reading this, feel free to check out any of these activities listed. If you are not in Chilhowee, then I would like to encourage you to plug into a local body of believers taking part in the ministries of the Church. As stated in part 6, you have a role to fill in your local church. God has gifted you and wants you to use those gifts in His service for His glory!

What can you do right now?

Discover your Spiritual Gifts 

  1. Read : Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4 to discover what gifts the Holy Spirit gives us. 

  2. List : what gifts you see in your own life.

  3. Pray : for opportunities to use your gifts and the boldness to do it.

For help in discovering your gifts, this may help :

Theology : what do we believe about God?

Be a part of a Small-Group.

  • Join a Sunday school class, each Sunday @10am

  • Join Verna’s Women’s class : 2nd and 4th Monday of each month @6pm

  • Join Tom’s The Truth Project class : each Tuesday @6pm starting Feb 25

  • Join Kerry’s upcoming Young Women’s class : see Kerry Murphy for details

  • Start your own with ready-to-go materials Pastor Justin can provide

Ecclesiology : how we do ‘church’

  • Help maintain the physical facilities by contacting Pastor Justin or a Trustee

  • Build unity and fellowship by helping with Summer fun activities 

Doxology : how we worship

Join the Choir

  • Join us each Sunday @9am to practice for Easter and weekly worship

  • Do you play an instrument? Play during the Special Music 

Join the Greeter Team

  • We need greeters ASAP.

  • Hold doors as people come in.

  • Greet people as they come into the parking lot with an umbrella.

Help with Technology

  • Help run slides or sound for Sundays and special events (We will train you)

Missiology : how we reach lost people

Join monthly visitation night : 3rd Thursday of each month

Take advantage of Mission opportunities during community events

- Chilhowee Fair, 4th of July, Christmas, etc.

Guest follow-up team

  • Help follow-up with guests by handwriting a note of encouragement

  • Help by entering contact info into our database

Chilhowee Baptist